Sunday, May 6, 2007

i only took pictures after and before AOC, and during coffeehouse. the rest of you will have to fill in the part that is officially the 'AOC weekend.' most of the people that were there are not captured here. please do me the favour of contributing your efforts. :P


Kathleen said...

Dear Tala...
Can you add me as a contributor and I will see what I can do!?:)

Bekah Leigh said...

hello tala! i will contribute not in pictures but in comments! (i didn't take any pictures)

kathleen dunn said...

i'm rather smart.
i only realized
until i visited the site gain at 938 this evening

that there were more pictures than just the first page.

WOOT for being tired and not-all-here.


nice pictures love.

as soon as i find my "unlocated camera" =S
i'll post mine too.

<3 love love love

Jessica Brittany said...

Hello everyone. So, pretty much I already posted all of "my" pictures. Actually, my sister Amanda took most of them. I was the one that wanted to get out of schoolwork though ;)