Friday, May 11, 2007




Tala Azar said...

HAHAHA I LOVE THAT OH MAN I LOVE MYSELF (might as well admit it openly, it never works to pretend you aren't self-centered).

actually... the whole thing about fighting your sinful desires comes to mind. hmmm.

Estelle Visscher said...

well it is good to love yourself...

Gallia said...

Tala, with you, a lot of things come to mind.

"oh, grass!" "the dichotomy between man and nature!" "the whole thing about not running with scissors comes to mind."

that is just a metaphor of your thought process :p don't be too offended ;)

Tala Azar said...


know that i think the very same thing about you.

Gallia said...

Ooooh Nooo!! *falls into sobbing mass on the floor*
