This is basically for pictures from the weekend so I (and anyone else who wants to, just comment with your email address) don't have to put them on my "ordinary" blog. This is also for all of us who rejected Facebook and Myspace (or were rejected by Facebook, sniff sniff).
i had no idea your middle name was brittany. jessica brittany... um... oh yes-- Fager!! i hope i spelt it right? i just took my baby ella for a walk and it was sweltering. sunnnstroke. not really.
haha! you bet it is! and you did spell it right! You spelled it with a "G" not a "B" which would happen to be Joel's last name, which is NOT my last name. We really aren't siblings. haha. I shall stop my ranting.
yeah i know i used to mix those up all the time. you were definitely jessica faber in my head for a little while hee.
Nice pictures. I especially like the one of Naomi and Wes. Everyone say "aaahhhhhhhh!!"
Jess Faber, you're my hero!! (sorry. hah)
you know, the picture of Erik and I is somewhat hilarious. Sincere smiles indeed. Then I noticed Andrew in the back looking like Sigmund Freud (give or take). AOC=weird facial expressions. New scientic conflucision...
I give up on spelling.
Oh wow. My eyes look demonic.
pretty much
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